Kunal Run - Learn Development with Kunal Through Gaming
Legends believe that this project is developed from space..!! Let's see..
Kunal Run is a game using Unity Game Engine, C#, and Stream API that allows users to learn development skills through the game itself in a really interactive way!
Most people associate learning with boredom, we propose this game - The Kunal Run, which combined learning with fun. this will help players to refresh their minds as well as learn new things about different fields of computer science and development.
Features of Kunal Run
Learning about tech through watching youtube videos and tech news is boring why not learn while gaming? We created a game in which you can learn about tech while playing. This is a 2D runner game in which you will have to collect skills and Kunal will tell answers to questions asked by enemies which will deplete your skills/coins.
Other than that with learning skills, you can also implement it using contributing to specific open-source projects. So here we are providing you with a curated list of Open source projects as per your skill set.
Also, we are providing you a list of opportunities for which you can apply for earning money from your skills like MLH Fellowship and Google Summer of Code.
So here you can chat with your enemy and answer the questions through Stream API. It is our first time using this API, but after using it we feel it is really easy to use this.
As It was also difficult to find the right assets for our game. So we design it all by ourselves, it was the first time we work on designing 2-D artists and other things like Landing pages, etc. Since being a Coder, it is difficult but still, we will be able to do it.
It is our first time working with Unity Game Engine and C#, so it was a pretty steep learning curve. It was difficult to make the background of our game animated, we also find difficulty in removing the enemy whenever sound power collided with them.
We are proud to make this project functional and working to help gamers and fans of Kunal bhaiya in a certain manner.
We are immensely proud of achieving a good team contribution with each of the members who have n contributed to the project in some way or another.
We're very pleased with the end result.
We are immensely proud of achieving a good team contribution with each of the members who have n contributed to the project in some way or another.
We're very pleased with the end result.
Things we Learn during building this :
- We learned that it can be frustrating at times to try to learn an entirely new language and software as a team. But it was also, really, really fun, the most important things are to remember we're all in this together, and to never give up. Some bugs take a lot of time to fix but we just gotta try and try until we succeed. we gotta put in our 100%, at the end of the day it doesn't matter if we lose or win, what matter is did we give our best.
Things to remember
Check out Kunal Run's readme document for a complete local installation guide and read more about our project.
I'm truly glad about the partnership between Hashnode and WeMakeDevs that made this awesome Hackathon ! Thanks for your awesome services and support. ๐น